The Podcast

Please find below recordings of our recent Sunday preaches and other bible teaching material. You can listen through the website by clicking on the loudspeaker icon, or download them to your own Podcast player.

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Sunday 9 February

David Faces Goliath

Steve Smith looks at 1 Samuel 17:12-40, where David prepares to face Goliath, and asks us how we might encounter things in our lives that seem difficult or even insurmountable.

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Sunday 2 February

Fill Up And Go

Debbie Laycock looks at 1 Samuel 16:1:13 where the Lord tells Samuel to continue in the work He has for him despite any fears, failures and disappointments Samuel may feel over the failure of Saul as king.

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Sunday 26 January

Missions, Monuments And Mistaken Ideas

At our 3t all-age meeting Walter Hayn looks at 1 Samuel 15, where Saul disobeys the Lord’s words through Samuel and lies to and disowns God.

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Sunday 19 January

Look to the Lord

Steve Smith continues our series in 1 Samuel and looks at 1 Samuel 14:24-46 where Saul’s rash and self-centred behaviour and not looking to the Lord’s guidance brings difficulties for Israel.

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Sunday 12 January

Wait On The Lord

Lydia George restarts our series in 1 Samuel and looks at 1 Samuel 13:1-14 where Saul’s impatience leads him to act foolishly.

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Sunday 5 January

Keep On Being Filled

As we start a new year, Debbie reminds us of the primacy of the continual filling of and the life of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

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Sunday 29 December

Jesus, The True Son

Continuing our look at Jesus during this Christmas period, Walter Hayn considers verses from Matthew 2:13-23 when Jesus returns from Egypt with Joseph and Mary in fulfilment of the prophecy, “Out of Egypt I have called my son”.

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Wednesday 25 December

Jesus, The Prince Of Peace

At our Christmas morning meeting, Abi Willetts contemplates verses from Isaiah 9:6-7, a prophetic description of the child to be born, Jesus.

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Sunday 22 December

“And On Earth Peace”

At our Christmas carol service, we look at Luke 2:14 the angelic announcement at Jesus’ birth, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men”.

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Sunday 15 December

Jesus, The True King

In our third Advent bible talk, Ian Marden looks at Matthew 2:1-12 and what drew the Magi to Jerusalem and what kind of king is born in Bethlehem.

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