The Podcast

Please find below recordings of our recent Sunday preaches and other bible teaching material. You can listen through the website by clicking on the loudspeaker icon, or download them to your own Podcast player.

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Sunday 21 July

Not My Will, But Yours

Steve Smith speaks on Luke 22:39-53 when Jesus is praying in the garden at Gethsemane and where he is arrested.

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Sunday 14 July

Until The Kingdom Comes

Phil Tate from Ichthus Southcroft speaks on Luke 22:1-23 about the Passover, the Last Supper, Judas’ betrayal of Jesus and the need for us to live in holiness and godliness, free from sin and its impact.

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Sunday 7 July

The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin

Stephen McArdle from Ichthus New Life speaks on Luke 15:1-10 and shows at what lengths Jesus goes to save the lost, even through us.

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Sunday 30 June

Power And Great Glory

Debbie Laycock speaks on Luke 21:25-36 when Jesus teaches and prophesies in answer to the disciples’ questions about future events and Jesus’ return. Debbie encourages us to look carefully at Jesus’ words (and prophecy in general) and to respond rightly to what Jesus tells us to do.

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Sunday 16 June

The Chief Cornerstone

Alex Shoderu speaks on Luke 20:1-18 when Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers and quotes the Old Testament scripture about the rejected stone that becomes the chief cornerstone.

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Sunday 9 June

Blessed Is The King!

David Pharoah looks at Luke 19:28-44 when Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey to the adulation of the crowds, and fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.

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Sunday 2 June

Faithful Servants

Debbie Laycock looks at Luke 19:11-27 and Jesus’ parable about being faithful servants working for His kingdom

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Sunday 26 May

Jesus Is Coming To Your House!

At our 3t all-age meeting Walter Hayn looks at Luke 19:1-10 when Jesus meets Zacchaeus, the tax collector, and brings about transformation over tea (at three?).

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Sunday 12 May

Humble Yourself

Steve Smith looks the parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector from Luke 18:9-17 and Jesus’ teaching on humility, prayer and receiving the kingdom like children.

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Sunday 5 May

Will God Find Faith?

Debbie Laycock helps us look at prayer and our prayer lives as she expounds Jesus’ parable of the unjust judge from Luke 18:1-8.

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