Community Life



On Sunday mornings from 10.45am to 12.15pm, there is Tree Church for the children, which runs as part of Ichthus Forest Hill at the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church.  Following a time of all-age worship, children aged up to 11 years old have their own programme in their groups; “Seedlings”, “Evergreens” and “Oaks”, where they can pray and worship God and learn more about the Bible.  It’s a great time of fun, creativity and friendship. Our monthly 3T afternoon meetings is a time for all ages to worship, pray, learn and have fun together.


The new term of our Popcorn After School Club has started for Wednesday afternoons following the Easter holidays. Popcorn starts at 4.30pm to 6.00pm with an exciting programme including music, drama, games and craft, where children can learn how to be good friends with God and with each other. Popcorn is open to all children from 5 to 11 and takes place during the school year.

Please look on our website or read our monthly printed news sheet for the details of Popcorn After School Club and other activities.

Tree Church and Popcorn is staffed by enthusiastic children’s workers who want to help children grow to be happy, confident and secure.

For any enquiries, please email at